>Here's an unsolicited tip for you and everybody building the microencoder.
>Don't use flux remover. The stuff that I had from Radio Shack in the can
>with the little brush on the end just smears stuff around and makes a big
>mess. After talking with RMI, I used lacquer thinner (the same ole stuff
>you clean your spray can out with, I used medium drying, but they say any
>kind is OK). You REALLY flush the board with this, and the flux comes off
>easily. The only caution is to not leave the stuff on there for very long
>(don't let it soak). Then just blow it off the surface.
I'll let you all in on another "secret" board cleaner product.
Wall-Mart stocks a carburetor cleaner that's like most of the
other carburetor cleaners . . . lacquer thinner in an aerosol
can. Of the three brands in my local store, they range in price
from $2.50 down to $0.88 . . . as near as I can tell, they're
all the same stuff . . . We buy the 0.88/can by the case and
have been using it for board cleaning for the past 15 or so
Wash off liberally then use hair dryer on LOW to evaporate both
thinner and WATER that shows up as condensed humidity when the
board cools under evaporation of the thinnner.
Bob . . .