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Re: Learning curve items

Subject: Re: Learning curve items
From: Bob Jacobsen <>
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 07:20:40

Nice you let us know how beautiful your weather is while I suffer along up 
here with three heaters in the garage and rain everywhere.  However I do get 
a bit of satisfaction when I figure you will be sanding next summer when 
your teperatures will be well over 100!!!!

Bob (gosh its starting to look like an airplane) Jacobsen

>Subject: Learning curve items
>Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 01:27:03 EST
>I'm into my build about two and a half months now and have come across
>several items that have made life much easier:
>1.  Dump the "dry wall scrapers" that come with the kit to squeegee epoxy.  
>went       to an auto body supply shop and found some 3M wet/dry rubber
>squeegees (pt#'s 05517 & 05518). They work quite nicely around the curved
>leading edges and tips of the horizontal stabilizers. Real curve huggers.
>2.  Make your self one of those hot wire cutters that Burt Rutan describes 
>his book ($14 pamphlet!?).  It's a hell of a lot more fun than trying to 
>surfaces with a hack saw blade like you are asked to do in the builder's
>3.  Replace the peel ply you get in the kit with some 1.7 oz poly-dacron 
>Aircraft Spruce (pt# 09-00090) its a great deal easier to cut accurately 
>leaves a nice fine surface when removed.
>Just a note for you guys in the northern climes:  I had a real pleasant
>evening last night in the garage with the door open.  It was a nice balmy 
>degrees out there.  Oh and all the neighbors have their Christmas lights 
>Steve Hagar
>Mesa, AZ

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