In a message dated 12/4/99, Fergus Kyle wrote (in part) --
> I "miked" a number of materials to see what could layer the
> tubes to reduce 'play' and finally settled on my printer paper
> which proved to be a consistent 4 mils (4/1000 in.) in thickness
> and which reduced the play almost entirely without being
> impossible to insert.
Heavy-duty sewing thread worked easy for me (selected fishing line would
too). Run 4 lengths inside the CS03 and CS07 bushes, securing with tape on
the outside. Same principle as what you did.
> I then disassembled and drilled the outer tube to spec with the 3.3mm
> drill, then re-assembled all three with the paper in between them....
That's the manual's way, but being too dumb to figure out why they
say to pre-drill the holes in CS02, I just drilled and riveted in one step
after the assembly's Redux had cured. No harm done that I can see. Maybe
they're allowing for some folks with cheap drills, as the three pieces
together are thick and the holes could get sloppy. My titanium drill did just
fine at real slow RPM.
When you drill the holes for the rear CS07 bearing, watch that you site them
so the business end of the pop rivet tool will fit down in there! You may
have to vary the hole positions a bit from what they call for.
> and 2mm film between bearing faces and Tufnol bearing,
I found that the grease alone prevented them from being too tight
longitudinally. What you did to align the assemblies is the best insurance,
I think.
Note two important things--
1. They say to install the assemblies in the cockpit module, so that the
distance between the big aileron torque tubes is 26.25". Double-check that
with the pitch torque tube CS10 itself, first making sure the tangs on CS10
are straight and parallel. I didn't do that and had to cuss and fiddle later
to prevent the rivet heads on the pitch pushrods from striking the rivets on
the CS07 bushing and torque tube (the tubes weren't exactly concentric).
2. They say have 5-7mm clearance between the bottom of CS08 and
where the fuselage floor will be (using a straightedge). Make that 7mm, and
plus a couple hairs for mother wouldn't hurt. Else, CS08 may strike the
fuselage floor, like one of mine later did.
> 'Flamers' invited.
Flame what? Sounds like diligent building to me!
Fred Fillinger, A063