Has anyone fitted the factory supplied 'speed kit' fairings to their
aircraft ?
I'd be interested in any customer figures for performance improvements.
This will
help me decide if the extra weight is justified. (could save around 15
minutes at
maximum realistic operating range, or equivalent in fuel)
On a completely unrelated topic:
I've been having some problems with rodent intrusion into the cockpit of
my aircraft
during overnight storage. Realising the potential hazards of this, and
after many
iterations, I finally purchased an ultrasonic mouse deterant from the
same people
who make the Catwatch kit. (I'll dig out the name if you write to me!)
The product works from a PP9 battery with an expected life of about 3
months. (cost =A325)
So far, indications are good that they have been disuaded from their
habit of nesting
under the pilot seat. I'll keep you posted.
... but the smell $%#
Additionally, I intend to fit tufnel strips around the rudder pedal
holes, their main point of
access. Of course this can't exclude them from the engine bay or
tailplane area, however
their main interest appears to be nesting, rather than food. (there's
about 2 tonnes of that
at the back of the hanger!!)
Alan. D. Stewart
14 Goddard Way 'phone : +44 1245 264186
Chelmer Village work : +44 1473
Chelmsford, Essex CM2 6UR email :
office email : alan.d.stewart@bt.com