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message addressing [was: VNE...]

Subject: message addressing [was: VNE...]
From: Rowland & Wilma Carson <>
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 15:45:12

>Kim actually was the very first person to reply to my original post. 
>However, I
>deleted his message shortly after receiving it.

Now if Kim had set his email client to "reply to all" for that 
message (as advised in FAQ V16 Q5) we would all have seen and 
benefitted from his response, and anyone on the list could have 
re-sent a copy to you.

Sorry about the extra work in choosing "reply-to-all" but although 
AVNet runs this list for free, they don't provide the latest and most 
capable software to run the list ....

Personally I have my e-mail client (Eudora Pro 4.2.2) permanently set 
to "reply-to-all" by default, and that seems to work fine for most 
situations anyway. I only have to edit the "To:" header line 



           ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...

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