As this was something I thought a bit about before I made my choice I might
as well put in my (strictly non-professional) 2 cents worth (all info. comes
---From their resp. web sites)...
There were two things I noticed (when all testing had been said and done) and
that was that of all the aircraft I considered (and even others I didn't
consider) none appeared to be "aerobatic" at MTOW, and that the (load) test
results were displayed (used) in different ways.
One example of this is the Glasair II: The +6/-4 design "aerobatic" (Ultimate
+9/-6) limit is only mentioned with a weight limit of 1900 lbs (down from
gross of 2100 lbs) with the "standard" factor of 1.5 being used (not 1.5x1.
even though it is mentioned that the wing has been statically tested to
10.5G. One can probably assume that at MTOW that the design limits become
Another example is the RV-6. An "aerobatic" limit of 1375 lbs (down from
gross 1600 lbs) is mentioned which indicates that pilot(s) plus fuel have a
weight limit of 186 kgs. When one considers that a full load of fuel (38
USgal/144litres) would eat up about 102 kgs of that one either limits
(drastically?) the time in the air, the weight of the pilot(s), or
"aerobatics" becomes a solo thing (esp. for those with a "rounder" figure!).
They (RVs) are apparently intended (read that somewhere) for "Sportsmans
aerobatics" which can be completed in under +3 to+4Gs (so I've heard -
haven't done my aerobatics course yet).
The (new) Lancair Legacy 2000 is (just like the Europa) limited to a "Normal"
+3.8 at Gross 2200 lbs with "Utility" +4.4 being first mentioned with a
weight limit of 1900 lbs (Yes! 3.8/4.4*2200 1900!). Lancairs have a
reputation for being one of the stronger homebuilts in the sky so it appears
the rather more conservative/certified (1.5x1.5 factor) approach has also
been taken here.
I never considered the "aerobatics" claim to be "hype" as we've all seen the
Europa looping and rolling in the videos (and on Discovery Channel!) doing
things that the roll rate can handle (probably just as important as "G
limit") while easily keeping the aircraft within the +3.8 design limit.
During my test flight (yep, in the UK) we did two (barrel) rolls and one
complete (normal) loop. The "G-O-Meter" went up to about +1.5G during the
rolls and +3G during the loop - well within the +3.8 limit (actually well
well within the limit considering we had no luggage and had less that a full
tank of fuel, i.e. were way under the MTOW). It appeared that a steep 60 de
2G turn was tougher on the plane (stress wise) than the roll but the roll was
certainly a better indication of the Europa's lovely handling.
Well, that became more like 4 cents worth (better get some work done!)
Philip (XS #426, Stockholm, Sweden)
-----Original Message-----
From: MIME
Subject: Re: Europa Questions Again
<< Bear in mind the limitations attached to the aircraft's Certificate or
Permit to fly. In the UK, no aerobatics are permitted. >>
This statement seems to conflict with the videos supplied by Europa which
show rolls and half Cuban 8's in the first couple of minutes. Also, articles
by Peter Underhill describe aerobatics performed with Peter and Ivan aboard,
see "Private Pilot", Jan 94. According to the article, this flight was in the
UK. Ed Kolano's article in "Sport Aviation" Aug 95 indicated that the Europa
was adept at positive G aerobatics while Europa's advertisement in this same
issue says: "Aerobatic and fully spin tested".
My demo flight in the US included a roll and half of a Cuban 8 (with no
parachutes on board). In the US an experimental is limited to manuevers
demonstrated in the 40 hour test period. Are rolls and loops possible but
foolhardy/dangerous? Are there other limitations in the UK which we should
know about in the US? Are all of the above cited manuevers Illegal? Or
advertising hype? John A044