A suggestion: Self taping screws work a whole lot better that rivets.
You don't have to drill a hole then insert a rivet with a rivet gun and
then drill the rivet out. About $5.00 for a box of 100. Using a small
low voltage battery drill to insert the screws works best as you can more
easily control the degree you draw the two serfaces to each other. Even
if the screw strips in the thinner skin area, it still holds the two
surfaces together.
Give it a try.
Bill McClellan A164
Fred Fillinger wrote:
> TroyMaynor@aol.com wrote:
> >
> > Hi ALL,
> > How much Redux should I have on hand to bond on the top molding?
> I think 1/4 of the can, maybe even 1/3. I
> recommend a generous amount, since there's no easy
> way to fill any voids along most of the seam once
> riveting commences. The manual sez to butter one
> seam; we did both to play safe, and I'm glad we
> did.
> BTW, we used aluminum pop rivets but without
> pulling enough to break the mandrels. The extra
> pulling required to break the mandrel accomplishes
> nothing, and the mandrels can then be removed real
> easy with a plastic mallet.
> Regards,
> Fred Fillinger, A063