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Re: Tailwheel Cables--Graham's Tailwheel Mod

Subject: Re: Tailwheel Cables--Graham's Tailwheel Mod
From: Tony Krzyzewski <>
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000 08:12:41

.....  Here is the problem--the cables exit the drilled holes at the
base of the sternpost and rub severely on the aft lower fuselage, and
have to make about a 10 deg. angle bend on their way to the tailwheel

I raised the exit point to about 1" from the bottom of the sternpost and
also raised the bellcrank itself by 1" which gives more clearance for
the springs within the fuselage. This actually reduces the deflection in
the cables as the tailwheel moves through the full 160 degrees . In
addition I made the fairleads out of 1/4" nylon tube and allows a small
amount of movement in the tube itself. The nylon is a lot easier on the
cable than stainless steel.


Tony S Krzyzewski               Kaon Technologies Ltd
Managing Director               PO Box 9830, Newmarket
Ph 64 9 520 4631                Auckland
Fx 64 9 520 3321                New Zealand

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