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RE: Advice please

Subject: RE: Advice please
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 10:04:31
Hi! Keith Tallent.
IMHO depending on the whereabouts of the bubbles it may be possible to
inject epoxy with a shringe  obtained from a vetinary surgeon. But to be
successful you will need to inject from a low point with a small needle hole
put into the top of the bubble to force out the remaining air. This may
obviate the necessity to add more layups ..... which will need more filler
to cover on final finishing.....
And on it goes.....
Bob Harrison Kit337 Europa Mk1 /Jabiru3300 G-PTAG.
-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Keith Tallent
Sent:        Thursday, February 24, 2000 8:34 AM
Subject:        Advice please

On my latest layup (underside of flap) overnight whilst curing two bubles
have appeared (they weren't there last night before I went to bed!).
Although small about the 10mm x 5mm they are noticeble (to me anyway).
What should I do - this hasn't occured on any of my previous layups so it's
a first for me.

Waiting for advice !

Kit 221

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