> Thanks to all those who have sent messages of support
I am sure they are helping. I am printing out e-mails and sending a
batch on by post every day to each partner, and am very willing to
continue that as long as people are sending them. Some folk have
asked for the hospital address or phone. There is little point in
trying to phone as the staff will not answer queries and do not have
the resources to pass messages to individual patients. Neither Isaac
nor Graham is in a state to read cards, etc. At present they are best
sent via the families so that they too can gather support from them.
The families have requested that there is no further press coverage.
(This may be why some items previously published on websites appear
to have been withdrawn rather than archived. Some did not seem
high-quality reporting anyway so not much is lost.) It is
understandable that they do not wish to have their personal suffering
broadcast to strangers. This e-mail list could also be regarded as a
"public" broadcast. I hope we will be able to respect their feelings
but without diminishing our efforts to support our injured friends. I
believe that, in response to queries from many friends, Graham's
brother intends to issue some information by e-mail. I hope we will
be able to copy that to this forum if it is not posted here initially.
What news I have received indicates that Graham's condition seems
slightly better, although still very serious. I'm afraid I have no
positive news of Isaac.
From the PFA comes the news that the Air Accidents Investigation
Branch (AAIB) will mount an investigation into the crash. They
investigate accidents on revenue-earning aircraft, and typically only
deal with private aircraft accidents if a fatality has occurred. In
view of this, please continue to avoid speculation about the cause of
the crash. If you know or are speaking to any of those who witnessed
the incident, try not to draw them into conjecture. Please remember
that they will be called on to give evidence to the AAIB, who seek
only facts.
Today our house has been invaded by builders and decorators, in what
we hope will be the culmination of a long-running insurance claim.
Overhead were helicopters ferrying the rich and famous to and from
nearby Cheltenham racecourse for the Gold Cup, the Goodyear blimp
full of Channel 4's cameras, and even a Super Cub towing a banner in
big circles. A large proportion of the 50000 crowd came and went
along the main road a few yards away. Despite all the mess, noise and
confusion, throughout the day there was a quiet place in my mind
remembering Isaac, Graham, and their families. The thought of their
pain made everything here seem trivial.
... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...