Thanks to all who replied to my request for information on my tail twist
I was able to reduce the deformations I had with a progressive epoxy and
adjust sequence of steps. I was probably lucky that I had only mild
tail twist as many fuselages have varying degrees of deformation/twist
that should be corrected. At this point with the Tail Bulkhead in
place, I have .3 degrees of deviation from vertical on the bulkhead
which should be easily corrected when the top fuselage skin is glued in
place. I was able to correct the variance of curvature of the fuselage
skins in the tail area by using threaded rods to adjust positions (at
the three points called out in the manual) as I epoxyed the bullhead in
place. The threaded rod with a nut on each side of the skin worked
better that gluing pieces of wood in place.
One thing that would be nice to know is a width dimension of the tail
fin at the flange and tail bulkhead. The manual gives 255 mm +/- 2 mm
at the fuselage outer skin torque-tube position. The flange at the
bulkhead is subject to some variation (a half inch or more) even when
the 255 mm is established.
Bill McClellan A164