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Graham Singleton - visiting details

Subject: Graham Singleton - visiting details
From: Rowland & Wilma Carson <>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 20:56:34
Joan Cooper phoned me this evening with some more news of Graham.

He has been moved to another ward where some visiting is possible. 
Joan is returning to her job again and so her own opportunities for 
visits will be more limited. It's a 90-mile round trip for her so she 
will not be able to manage it every evening after work. She hopes the 
surgeon will be able to discuss the problematic ankle fracture with 
her and Graham tomorrow evening.

Graham is in Ward 18 of the North Staffs hospital in Stoke. The 
visiting hours are 12 noon to 8 pm. It would be a good idea to phone 
ahead (01782 554170) before planning to visit: (a) to ensure he is 
not away for surgery or other treatment; & (b) to avoid several 
potential visitors arriving at the same time and overtiring him.

Joan asked me to say again how much she has appreciated all the 
messages and other indications of support she and Graham have 
received. Thanks to all who have contributed in that way.


           ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...

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