Alison Porat has written to me again with thanks for the messages of
support that I have been forwarding to her.
She is pleased that Isaac has made some progress over the weekend.
Things are healing well, the infections have subsided and his
movements are "more purposeful" - he was able to touch his nose with
his hand when asked to do so. However, the level of sedation has been
increased again since then as he was obviously getting distressed and
at one point was trying to get off the bed!
She realises that it is still early days, but she feels things are
starting to point in the right direction, and the hospital staff are
more "hopeful".
I'd like to add my own thanks to all those who have sent e-mails for
me to print out & post. (I'm sure there are many others who have
written direct.) As I have read the messages and seen how people show
a real care for others' suffering, it has emphasised the sense of
closeness of our aviation community. We are often reluctant to
express our feelings, but if we can, that exposure of vulnerability
can link us to others in ways much deeper than otherwise possible.
... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...