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Urgent help with testing

Subject: Urgent help with testing
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 18:11:35
I never realised what a problem I was going to have with testing my Europa.
I received my permit to test in November and was yanked away on holiday by my 
wife. Graham Singleton and I finally got her into the air in late 
December,-Great joy!

I took her back to the workshop to improve the prop balance, then ran into 
bad weather and a coincidence of demanding business pressures. The sun came 
out, and we were ready to go again. Then Graham and Isaac had their terrible 

Since then I have not been able to find anyone in this part of the country 
(Derbyshire/Notts/S.Yorks) who can help me. A dejected G BISA sits at Gamston 
desperate for her two hour ride, Is there a suitably timeserver Europa pilot 
out there who can help me before the six months limit expires on 6th of May.

Bryan Allsop            

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