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Subject: Bug
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 11:37:28
Late last summer I fitted the Rotax oil tank and cut the oil hoses to length, 
working with the garage doors open. The hose connected to the OUT fitting was 
then removed for convenience. I left the OUT fitting uncovered for a week or 
so before putting masking tape over it to prevent entry of dirt.

Recently,  difficulty was encountered priming the oil system using the 
technique suggested by John Baker/Roger Bull. Oil simply would not flow from 
the tank to the engine with air pressure applied to the tank.  Investigation 
found a plug of mud in the OUT line inside the oil tank - apparently, a mud 
wasp took advantage of my lapse last summer to begin installing a nest and I 
failed to check for blockage prior to re-connecting the hose.  Fortunately, 
the wasp built an aircraft grade plug which did not rupture under pressure, 
requiring a screwdriver for removal - had the plug failed I would have 
injected a half teaspoon of dirt directly into the engine!

Guess who now keeps the pitot covered even in the garage?

John    A044

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