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Airports which charge...

Subject: Airports which charge...
From: Fergus Kyle <>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 09:08:18
Ferg, let me get this straight.  Everytime you depart from an airport,
you> are charged a fee of $110 (USD)?  This is unbelievable!  I've never
paid a> cent.  Thank God we colonists had the sense to sort things out
back in> 1776.  Otherwise I'd be reduced to drinking tea and bird
watching instead> of flying.  At the risk of sounding like a crass
merican.........what the> hell is the matter with you people?  Why do
you put up with this?  Have you> thought about starting a revolution? 
We did......and it worked just fine!> Regards,> Garry   N4220S Europa
Trigear> (813) 878-3929

        Look below.

     " In the course of recent correspondence, the following evolved
---From my relating the landing fees here which tend to kill small aircraft
and glorify the snatching of filthy lucre from unwary honest folk:

"On infinite ratios of take-offs to landings:
I explored your line of thought at Edinburgh here (where they are
getting too big for their GA).  Unfortunately they have a solution - on
arrival at the gate with your trailer they ask "and who is your handling
agent ?" .  These cost around 65 per visit, as I found to my cost when
diverting to Glasgow recently, an airport with similar pretensions (-(( 
. nil desperandum ill... etc"
        You may recognize the complainant but not from me.....

 What you read as my text is a quote. I am in Canada. The quote is about
Edinburgh. It is in Scotland.
        All that revolution stuff is not your fault! It happened before
we were born. I dare you to land in Idlewild without either paying an
equal amount or having your bird disappear. They are similar airports.
        I was talking about middle America, not Long Island.
        Anyway, enjoy your Revolution - but try tea - it's uplifting...
Happy landings
Ferg #A064

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