Please would everyone remember:
1. Static electricity can build up when fuel flows over a non-conductive
surface -- the tribo-electric effect -- so the need for bonding to provide a
conductive path to prevent build up of charge applies throughout the
fuelling operation, not just to dissipate accumulated charge before you
2. The same precautions are necessary wherever and whenever you are pouring
fuel, including testing for fuel flow or calibrating your fuel gauge before
your aeroplane is completed and ready to fly. It is not good practice to
fill tanks or drain fuel in the hangar or workshop, and most organisations
prohibit this.
3. Although prevention is better than cure, you should always make sure that
the correct type of fire extinguisher is to hand whenever fuelling is
carried out. You should know how to operate the mechanism and how to direct
it to best effect in the event of a fire. An extinguisher inside the cockpit
of the aircraft you are refuelling is not "to hand" for this purpose.
4. It is not good practice to have anyone inside the cockpit while you are
refuelling, however inconvenient it may be for them to get out while you are
doing a quick turnround. Please, don't any smart ass tell me they always
have a passenger inside ready to grab the aircraft fire extinguisher and and
leap out to become a hero if things go wrong!
Keep safe
Europa Club Safety Officer