Hi all.
I posted a similar message on an avionics newsgroup, and I was wondering if
any one in the Europa community was a wiz on RF matters
The problem that I am trying to solve is that I want an antenna for my VOR,
Glide slope and marker beacon in my composite home built. In order to
educate myself a little more I consulted the ARRL hand book. I have three
My understanding is that the balun is needed to match impedances to prevent
reflected energy passing up the coaxial braid. If the antenna is for
receiving only is a balun even required ?
Are ferrite beads on the outside of the coaxial cable effective in doing
this ? In the Europa manual they show a simple dipole constructed like this.
Since the 3 frequencies are almost multiples of each other, can I construct
or purchase a splitter that will allow me to connect all 3 to the one
antenna ?
Thanks, Paul McAllister