After three and a half years' work on the Europa, I get a deja vu of my
experience with the Sinclair Z80 'computer', the kit of which I bought in
1980 and built with burnt fingers from the soldering iron, launching its
massive 1k computing power just in time to find that Sir Clive had launched
the smart, ready-built Z81 for less money than the unbuilt Z80! Liberty is
what I crave from the gloomy indour frustration on days when the English
summer is glorious. Ivan's Liberty-Europa saves its makers a lot more
scut-work than our kits do - why couldn't we have had an integral frame with
gear, engine mounts, wing mounts and cockpit all at the right distances and
angles from each other? Even I could stick a few panels onto that without
all the misalignments which plague my current efforts. My Europa has been
built twice, and I still won't have as much confidence in it as I would if
it had been done by someone who had done one before. And as for that "500
hours" ! have they ever heard of the trade description act?
----- Original Message -----
From: Keith Tallent <>
Subject: The Certified Europa - or not as is the case
> For those of you that are interested, the website site for the "Certified
> Europa" is live and can be seen at
> 57,000 so that works out about 20,000 for someone else to do all the
> hardwork for you !
> Looks similar but reading the spec it sounds like a completely different
> aircraft, wouldn't mind reading a head to head comparison.
> regards
> Keith Tallent
> Kit No 221