Graham, Congratulations for climbing back on the horse that threw you. Gutsy
move! Cheers from all your friends in Melbourne. Regards, Nigel H-B #423
Graham Singleton wrote:
> Hi group,
> We just finished a very enjoyable PFA Rally at Cranfield. A special
> pleasure is always the people from overseas, many from Europe but several
> from USA and even as far as Australia and New Zealand.
> Thomas Scherer finally made it at about 1830 on Sunday. Too late for the
> show but never too late for some fun. He then flew on to Tatenhill where we
> met him and took him to Derbyshire for an evening of chat about everything.
> His trip to Mongolia sounds exiting but a little scary.
> This morning Thomas gave me my first flight (after my March mishap). Glad
> to say I had no misgivings about it at all. IT was encouraging to find that
> the degraded left eye caused no real problem with landing or take off
> perception. (THomas did the flying)
> I failed to explain his apparent lack of speed but no doubt he will
> eventually find something. The only noticeable difference was that the
> Rotax gearbox seems rather noisy compared to most others I have been around.
> Graham, glad to be off the ground again