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Re: Rudder pedals

Subject: Re: Rudder pedals
From: Fred Fillinger <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 22:35:12
Graham Singleton wrote:

> Elastic foam compresses at the wrong rate so that the airplane might be 
> moving upwards, having bounced, while you are still moving down. Styrofoam
> absorbs the energy by crushing more gradually.

"Temperfoam," aka "Astronaut's Couch" stuff may be
good also.  It compresses slowly when weight is
applied.  Instantaneously, like pounding with a
fist, it gives much less.  The mfr's missive that
comes with it says  "impact safety factor that has
no equal."

Gee, sure hope so.  I bought a bunch of it, and it
ain't cheap.  Real comfy too.

Fred Fillinger, A063, N3EU

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