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Re: TP5&6 Retention and spar guiding

Subject: Re: TP5&6 Retention and spar guiding
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 05:48:20
A simple lightweight method is to braze a flange on each, to lie in the plane 
of the plywood, the flange then being pinned through.  I did the TP5's this 
way when they came loose.  The buried TP6's would of course need to be done 
at build time. 
Shortening the tubes too considerably reduces galling and a taper plug in the 
end of the torque tube guides it in without clonking.

While on guiding,  main spar guides have been fitted by many at the bottom of 
the entry apertures to assist wing spar entry and prevent downhill motion 
onto the quick release mechanism.  However they do not guarantee entry of the 
end into the cups 3 ft away.  I suggest adding the following. 
For the port wing, a removable tapered wooden plug (around 2"x2"x7") with a 
flange pushed into the starboard entry aperture will guide it in 
For the starboard wing a permanent tapered guide  reduxed to the  aft wall 
positioned inboard of  the port spar cup.

Graham G-EMIN

Graham  G-EMIN

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