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Re: Europa Web Sites

Subject: Re: Europa Web Sites
From: root <>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 21:36:51
Hi Rick

Here's our site. I have updated it a bit, but it is still more an
overview than a detailed description of the build. It's okay for the toe
dippers, not so good for hard details. I am afraid that I am too busy
building, ( or at leat I should be).

What do you mean by a web ring?

Cheers Ed

Rick wrote:
> Hi, I've finally started work on my Europa (#462) and have been trawling
> around other builders web sites for hints and tips.  I only have four such
> sites bookmarked, but I am sure that there are others about and I would like
> to ask if anyone has a comprehensive list of them.  Further to that, would
> any of you with web sites be interested in joining a Europa Web Ring - I
> would be more than happy to set that up if enough people are interested.
> Regards
> Rick Sivier

////Eddie Hatcher///Bill Lams///Nick Crisp////
///////South East London Flying Group/////////
/////Our Europa aircraft project site is//////

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