Hi! Tony.
I think that Jabiru are now supplying the full cowl kit with the 3300 engine
for a Europa Installation,. Although in G-PTAG's case the cowls were
supplied by ST Aviation and somewhat
Re-styled by myself. ( I think they now also supply the Jabiru Factory
Thanks to Rob Waters for putting G-PTAG's photos on the webb , more's the
pity it didn't have it's current Union Flag livery applied.!!!!! I just
haven't had time to get my mind round doing it due to trying to get the damn
thing in the air.! What's this about "PILOT'S being able to get it up"!!!!
Bob Harrison. G-PTAG
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Tony Renshaw
Sent: 25 August 2000 22:44
Subject: Jabiru Cowls
Can someone please tell me if the Jabiru 3300 installation uses XS,
Classic, or its own cowls?? Very neat installation! A picture is worth a
thousand words. Thanks!
Tony Renshaw
Tony Renshaw
Builder No.236