Just finished visiting with Mr. Snyder by telephone and he advised that
he ceased manufacturing the subject pitot-static vane over a year ago...just
not enough demand for the product...and has none remaining in stock. He
asked that I share this information with the community. Very nice gentleman
to chat with.
Also, Nigel, he sends his very best to you and his wife. He mentioned
the very nice visit he and his wife had with you and your wife, in England,
sometime in the not too distant past. He also inquired about the status of
your Europa project.
Regards. -Ed Lindsay, New Mexico, The Colonies-
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nigel Charles" <72016.3721@compuserve.com>
Subject: Re: Looking for a vane pitot-static
> I still have 2 spare heads available if anyone wants them. Anyone wishing
> to deal direct with the supplier can contact Albert Snyder at :
> Skycraft Corporation
> PO Box 984
> RT.1 Hampton Airfield
> North Hampton
> NH 03862
> Tel 603 964 1450
> Fax 603 964 7604
> Nigel Charles