<< I bought one of these and have fitted it in the Europa recommended position,
but G-PTAG's ASI is reading 100kts when flown alongside G-KITS at 115kts. I
it on about a 3" high aerofoil plinth.(Will need to do a GPS timed run since
G-KITS may be "off tune"!) If some other builder has found an accurate position
I could do to bend your ear please.?>>
UM has one of these pitot heads, which look very similar to the Piper ones
their wings.
Mine is fitted without standoff extension in the Europa-recommended position
works fine, with a slight tendancy to overread by a couple of knots flaps down
and underread by a couple of knots flaps up. Lots of ASI checks show it to
be only about 3 knots out at 120kt, and almost spot on below about 80kt with
no problems as the stall is approached.