I have a neat conversion booklet form a company named Parker Hammifin. It
has never let me down. This time it helps you.
473.2 cu cms. = one Pint (liq.)
That should do it! Glad I could help some one!
Cliff Shaw
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Conversions pt or qt to cc
I'm about to cover the fuselage with UV Smooth Prime. The stuff needs to
be crosslinked. Now, the manual shows the amount of crosslinker (in
cubic centimeter) to be added to the smooth Prime. However, for the
smooth prime the give volumes in qt and pt - and I have no idea of how
much that is in my available measurement tools (all in cc or liters).
Does somebody know the conversion factors?
Up to now I only know how many pt of beer I have to drink to get really
drunk :-)