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Re: Lighning Strike

Subject: Re: Lighning Strike
From: Fred Fillinger <>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 22:52:50
The Lancair Columbia I hear includes, in the fiberglass sandwich, a
layup of metal mesh, interconnected by some means.  Where one gets
this stuff, who knows.  For the quickbuild Europa, this isn't an
option, unless applying it to the interior is as effective.

Lancair calls their protection method as a "full fuselage/airfoil
solution, unlike the competition."  This implies other (partial)
protection methods, possibly ones which just provide metallic paths
for the strike.

Even if a method is available to he homebuilder, there's no way to
test it, except in conditions that can crash the plane for other

Fred F.
A063, N3EU

> It seems the ideal would be to "have the entire exterior surface highly
> conductive and electrically continuous". And the compromise "to a degree
> that is consistent with system requirements and safe operation."
> It all seems to be a difficult or almost impossible exercise (and
> expensive) exercise on composite aircraft.
> Is there anyone about please who doing anything about lightning risk on
> their Europa?
> JR (Bob) Gowing UK No 327

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