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Re: Batteries - Warning to Gel battery owners>

Subject: Re: Batteries - Warning to Gel battery owners>
From: Robert L. Nuckolls III <>
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2000 22:19:16

>> Robert: Here's one. I have a Hawker, Odyssey Dry Cell battery. Not wet, not
>> Gel and not RG ? The dealer has had one in his pickup truck starting his
>> V-8 for two years now with no problems. Its the same model as mine and the
>> size  of the standard 19 Amp. Powersonic. Whats the scoop on this one. Kri

  The Odyssey is an RG battery . . . it's assembled with Hawker's
  traditional "extra care" that exemplifies their Genesis and other
  RG products. Whether or not it's good value remains to be seen in
  the marketplace. I've got a 24 a.h. Genesis in my GMC Saffari van
  and I've run them for years in other vehicles. It's a nice product
  but not magic . . .

     Bob . . .
     ( Knowing about a thing is different than  )
     ( understanding it. One can know a lot     )
     ( and still understand nothing.            )
     (                     C.F. Kettering       )

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