> Now, am I right that nearly all this water is the result of
> condensation (mostly tankside) somewhere along the way (we cache fuel in
> the North and used to use felt hat crowns to filter it from the
> barrels). If that's so, then nearly all the water settles when the a/c
> is stored (ie: tail up on the trailer. If THAT is so, then the
> gascolator may be sited for its lowest point WHEN fuselage is horizontal
> (stored or flying).
I am not sure about this "lowest point" requirement. Condensed water will
collect on the bottom of the fuel tank, but since we can't put a gascolator
there, the water will not be captured until it flows though the lines to
where ever the gascolator is. Why does it matter that the gascolator is at
the lowest point in the system? The fuel will flow through it and it will
capture the water even if it is put up high.
By the way, do people recommend putting in both the gascolator and the fuel
drain kit? I don't see a need for the fuel drain kit, unless so much water
can collect in the tank that the gascolator could be overwelmed.