>>Do you have any views about locating starter and battery contactors on the
>>cabin side of the firewall? Some RV builders are doing or considering this.
>>However the counter argument is that if one fails it would dump toxic smoke
>>into the cockpit.
> The more compelling reason for putting starter contactor
> on firewall is to reduce number of firewall penetrations
> of FAT wires . . . you tie the alternator into the system
> using in-line fused jumper on the powered side of the STARTER [was
> contactor (as per diagrams on website and in book). If
> you put contactor inside, both starter and alternator wires
> have to come through firewall.
Bob . . .
( Knowing about a thing is different from )
( understanding it. One can know a lot )
( and still understand nothing. )
( C.F. Kettering )