Actually it's more like lrlrlrlRRRRRRRlrlrlrlrl :-)
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: Rudder deflection
Very simple trick to employ - on the runway, you keep them
moving...lrlrlrlrlrlrlr actually it starts out LRLRLRLRLRL but once you get
idea, it's imperceptable - it keeps the channel from the brain to the legs
all the best,
Barrington Tennant wrote:
> schrieb:
> > Oh, well. It's built and works fine - just need to educate the pilot's
feet now.
> Hi John,
> I am going through a Deja-vu experience at present. I have a friend that
> flies with me very often and I have been letting him do some of the
> handling recently including T/O and landing.
> I had forgotten that I had also gone through this same tap dance
> class!!!
> Now I do not understand why it was so difficult and I have very little
> feet input, It is just a matter of practice.
> Barry
> P.S. I always land with a little power on now which reduces the sink
> rate onto the ground.