Hi Dave
Back a couple centuries ago on this forum there was lots of talk of this problem
and even worse of hinges showing lots of wear and needing
replacement.....Because of that, I changed to 4 hinges per aileron and used
smaller stainless steel pins with teflon tubing outside the pins. The ss pins
have less shear strength but there are twice as many and they won't have wear..
They work great in my basement as my wings are finishing. Details I can
probably furnish if I can find my source of the tubing....
Tom Friedland A 079 xs Bellingham WA
SKIPPER-10 wrote:
> Howdy Folks,
> As a new folk here, perhaps I shouldn't speak out until I understand the
> forum and the topic a bit more but the rudder, horizontal stabilizer servo,
> and aileron hinges supplied on my XS kit are aluminum with stainless pins...
> Based upon this recent exchange I've read regarding the unsatisfactory
> aluminum hinges, need I be concerned? Thanks for your indulgence ...
> Dave Butler
> A167 (I think that's the number)