You have taken the trouble to explain your remarks about the Brit cars
- and I neither agree nor quibble with those, having kicked the innards
out of a Morris Maxi in the 25-below Montreal blizzard that kept it from
starting, and an Austin seven that hated rain.
However, we are bit 6 places apart in the 'A' range, and yet I had kits
1, 2 and 3 sent from Florida without error. Of the hundreds of parts
comprising those three, only eight were missing - annotated as such and
sent about two months later. I have lost more parts than Europa did!
I agree that the manual is not perfect, and th4e parts don't come as
finished as my buddy's Lancair 360 down the block. But he has more
trouble than I fitting it together (perhaps he haswn't got our superior
net!) - so what? First, some of us get great satisfaction from stumbling
ahead and seeing an aircraft rise from the shavings and not for the
thousands of dollars difference between the two. Second, I believe that
if the manual were perfect we still wouldn't have the number flying we
do now.
Third, I've had super assitance in the building from the guys who put
it together - so where's the Bind?
So, relax my friend and smell the flowers.
Happy landings
Ferg A064