> Man, you guys are sure prolific on email and I'll try to keep up. Is there
> any way to review the "archives" of what has already been posted or
> discussed here?
Nothing amazingly useful. Avnet maintain an FTP site with a directory foe
Europa. In that used to be posted archives of our messages in the form of flat
text files covering one months mesages each. So they are large and unsorted.
Also most of them are inaccessible at the moment owing to a permissions fiasco
of some sort on the directory. Avnet are trying to fix that and I will make an
announcement when that is done. This archiving process stopped happening a year
or more ago.
Also there are similar text archives kept by the mail system itself The format
is similar, vast and unstructured. If you send a message to
(i.e. NOT to the usual list address), with a body containing
index europa
(the subject is irrelevant), the mail server will send you a directory listing
of all the europa-specific files it has stored, aside from the mail itself.
Ignore any files with names starting 'bounce.' The rest are archive files, one
per month. To retrieve an archive file, send a message as above, but with a
body containing
get europa filename
where 'filename' is the name of the archive file you want. It will be sent to
you. The name will be something like 'europa.9808' , the archive for August
1998. These files are complete to date (well over ten thousand messages)
Have fun !
John Cliff
Europa Club List Forum minder