I am pleased to annouce that in response to requests, the Europa Club
has a new tool available for loan to members.
It's a VSWR meter which works in the VHF Aeronautical Band, and will
assist trimming of tape or wire aerials to the optimum length. You
need to have a working transmitter to use the meter.
It is available on the same basis as the instrument hole cutter for
glass-fibre panels - that is:
Apply to Membership Secretary, Rowland Carson for loan of the tool,
and it is sent to you.
Use it, take care of it, return it within 3 weeks in good working
order complete with all accessories and all you have to pay is the
return postage.
The complete package consists of:
VSWR meter
Instruction sheet
13.8v Power lead (allows meter illumination - not essential)
2 off UHF - BNC adaptors
2 off BNC patch leads
The instruction sheet is rather basic, and if any radio experts would
care to contribute any extra guidance on VSWR meter use, it would be
most welcome, and will be added to the manufacturer's instructions.
Hope this will be useful to the membership. This will of course be
announced in the next issue of Europa Flyer, for the benefit of those
not online.
| Rowland Carson Europa Club Membership Secretary
| Europa 435 G-ROWI PFA #16532 EAA #168386
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 16:39:20 GMT
From: Majordomo@lists.flyer.co.uk
Subject: Majordomo file: list 'europa' file 'europa.0011'