Hi! Philip /Everyone.
The clonk wouldn't be there because of the outriggers on a 912S Trigear !
My friends had just the same thing and spent a while looking round the a/c
for evidence of a bird strike , only last week.( their's is the 912S
I have passed the messages on to them.
Nothing similar on the 3300 Jabiru yet , but I'm not taking it as a joke,
just all ears.
Bob H G-PTAG Europa /3300 Jabiru .
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of philip.lincoln@essnet.se
Sent: 11 November 2000 13:48
Subject: RE: Things that go bump in the flight
I think it was something to do with the outriggers finally clicking into
place when airspeed dropped enough so that the "springs" (or whatever they
are) were able to overcome air resistance. I think "clonk" is the keyword to
search for here.
Philip (Tri-gear #426)
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: Things that go bump in the flight
In a message dated 11/9/00 5:05:16 PM Eastern Standard Time, BRYNALL@aol.com
<< On one occasion I noticed an obvious bump which sounded like someone
kicking the back of a door. >>
Hi All,
This is interesting. When I read this it brought to mind that I had read
something like this before on the site. I did a search for "bump" or "thump"
and could not find it. But I can remember the mystery being solved and I
don't think it involved icing problems. Can anyone else recall this? Was it
something about the mass balance weight?