wouldn't use either as it means to cut a hole into the tank. Instead, a lot of
us are using a flow meter / fuel totalizer in addition to the sight gauge. Good
experience with the german ELBA instrument (ca GBP 200,-). I personally know 10
builders (all flying since three years) who are all very satisfied.
You can order it from a very helpful supplier in Toulouse (
The instrument has the same size as the VDO instruments and the transducer is
mounted just behind the electrical fuel pump in the tunnel. It's fail safe in as
much that in case the free spinning wheel of the transducer gets blocked, there
is still enough fuel to pass by to operate the engine at full power (had to be
demonstrated for the german LBA).
It displays alternatively the current fuel flow in ltrs/hr, the remaining fuel
and the remaining endurance. I get constantly an accurancy of +/- 3%. Great for
cross country flying and planning of your fuel stops...
Klaus (133)
Keith Tallent wrote:
> I would appreciate comments on which is the best fuel guage system to fit to
> the Europa.
> The capacitance system (as per the Europa club mod) or the float type (as
> per LTS Ltd) as demonstrated at the Europa Seminar at Sywell some time back.
> Do the PFA recommend still having a sight gauge in addition to one (or two)
> of the above electronic indicating systems?
> I am not yet at this stage but would like to plan ahead.
> many thanks
> Keith
> Builder Number 221