Aloha, T & C
I've seen many kits at my local EAA chapter with cooling problems.
It seems that no kit has a cowl designed to hep this problem.
Big inlet holes are rarely the solution.
First they must be faired internally at the entrance to flow smoothly and
gradually into the internal ductwall.
Even this is rare, with most cowls being cut off in the inside, leaving the
inside lip just hanging there.
This trips the airflow bigtime and turbulates it, causing (much) higher
airdrag through the cylinder fins.
If you have proper ducting in, you still need proper ducting out.
This is done with augmentation in the engine bay exhaust zone-area-port, and
good cowl sealing.
Blowing your engine exhaust through the port just right will augment the
forces drawing cooling air through the cyl fins.
IMHO, this is nearly the most one can do.
Cowl flaps can be used to warm up quick, and to prevent shock cooling during
a long desent, etc.
We haven't heard of G-PTAG's cooling success.
Maybe he can help.
Nic-xs145 :)
PS- 90 days of 3-man crew construction of my XS monowheel.