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RE: Oh S*#!?*, I've got a bubble

Subject: RE: Oh S*#!?*, I've got a bubble
From: Bob.Harrison <>
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2000 19:22:56
Hi! Rick
IMHO ! Inject some epoxy by needle from the bottom of the bubble having
pricked a hole in the top to allow the air out! Then place some plastic or
cling film over it with a flat weight on the offending area and allow to
No problem ! See.!
Bob Harrison Kit337 G-PTAG Europa/Jabiru 3300

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Rick Sivier
Sent:        17 December 2000 17:10
Subject:        Oh S*#!?*, I've got a bubble


I recently completed my first tailplane and it all went really well, so I
thought I was getting the hang of this aeroplane building lark.  But just as
you start to get confident, you get a bubble.  Not just a small, easy to fix
bubble, but one that's 2cm long and nearly 1cm wide.  And I'm sure it wasn't
there last night when I went out to trim the edges.  So I need some help to
recover the situation - can I somehow get it flat without resorting to
cutting out the offending area and redoing it?  All suggestions gratefully

And a merry Christmas to you all.


Rick Sivier

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