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Re: How to handle the fuel tank connection when

Subject: Re: How to handle the fuel tank connection when
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 12:28:56
  going Al

>I'm considering going all-aluminum for my fuel lines (firewall-aft only, 
>of course) and am wondering how
>to handle the fuel tank connections.  The present arrangement has the fuel 
>hose nib fitting going into
>the 1" OD outlets from the tank, and the hose nib fitting clamped to the 
>tank using a 1.0" I.D.  fuel hose
>spanning the outlet and the fitting.  Hmm.
>How have others mounted AN fittings to the outlet?  Can it be done without 
>the spanning hose arrangement?

Yes it can. Some of us are working on a development using two NPT tapped 
holes into the tank outlet fittings. The best way is to make new ones, 
although it can be done with difficulty in the originals. Andair make a 
banjo fitting with 1/4in NPT male thread.
Maybe Paul will respond too? Paul?


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