Fuselage Builders,
I found the line finally quite easily by highlighting it directly by pencil.
Also the small crosses every 10" by using powerful light.
It is really invisible but it is there. I can feel it also by fingertip.
This very useful tip came from Bob Harrison!
Raimo Toivio
XS Mono
----- Original Message -----
From: Rob Housman <robh@hyperion-ef.com>
Subject: RE: fuel tank
> Good grief!!
> Almost two years ago, while preparing to install my fuel tank, Europa
> confirmed that the then current production tanks do NOT require any
> conditioning prior to installation. I was informed at that time that there
> would be a revision to the manual deleting the instructions about doing so.
> Manual revisions seem to have a rather low priority.
> On my fuselage many of the trim lines were likewise "difficult to see"
> mainly because there were none. This was especially true of the cockpit
> module. The mating parts of the fuselage top and bottom will overlap by
> about 20mm so cut accordingly; note, however, that there is a bit of a
> joggle that is not part of the joined surfaces so use that as a reference
> from which to measure the 20mm. Perhaps it would be best to cut oversize
> and then perform a trial fit of the top to bottom to verify that there is a
> 20mm bond zone along the entire length of the bond.
> In the cockpit module it is more difficult to judge where to cut without the
> scribe lines, but only at the footwells is it critical where you cut. The
> horizontal cut at the forward end of the cockpit module is the aft end of
> the floor (installed later) upon which the ruder pedals are mounted so this
> cut must be horizontal, and also at the right height to keep the floor
> level. I left it high and trimmed as required when it was time to install
> the floor, which is perhaps the preferred way to do this since the location
> of the floor determines the location of the horizontal axes of the rudder
> pedal shafts. The manual implies that these are not related and fails to
> caution about the elevation of the floor being important. I suppose that is
> based on the obviously erroneous assumption that there are scribe lines in
> the moldings.
> If you have a tri-gear you MUST have the crosses to locate the fuselage
> centerline and to find FS70 in order to locate the main gear axles. I urge
> you to address this with the factory before you proceed if yours is a
> tri-gear; for the monowheel I don't know the consequences of missing
> crosses.
> Best regards,
> Rob Housman
> A070
> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of RWM-SYSTEMS
> Subject: fuel tank
> Hi on this year,
> In the manual they say (page 10-2 issue 2/ XS) "tank will expand over of
> period of 3-4 weeks once fuel is introduced and this should take place
> before tank is installed into cockpit module".
> What is that meaning?
> Should I fill the tank with something over mounth before istalling or what?
> Also, "trim lines are to be found on the mouldings but are difficult to see"
> (page 11-1). Can not see any trim lines, no small crosses on the aircraft
> centreline.
> Trim lines for windscreen are 12-13 mm, for door 20 mm. How much for the
> bottom moulding???
> Raimo Toivio
> #417