----- Original Message -----
From: brianelliot <brianelliot@onetel.net.uk>
<Ericswedtrans@aol.com>; Bob Ridley <BobRidley@compuserve.com>; Hedley Brown
<hedley@hedleybrown.flyer.co.uk>; Jennifer, Peter Oxenham
<101641.242@compuserve.com>; Ros Anderson <roshouse@waitrose.com>
Subject: New Virus
> There is a new virus - WOBBLER. It will arrive on e-mail titled
> IBM and AOL have announced that it is very powerful, more so than Melissa;
> there is no remedy.
> It will eat all your information on the hard drive and also destroys
> Netscape Navigator and
> Microsoft Internet Explorer.
> Do not open anything with this title and please pass this message on to
> your contacts and anyone
> who uses your e-mail facility.
> Not many people seem to know about this yet, so propagate it as fast as
> possible.
> If you receive an e-mail titled "Win a Holiday" DO NOT open it. It will
> erase everything on your
> hard drive.
> Forward this letter out to as many people as you can.
> This is a new, very malicious virus and not many prople know about it.
> This information was announced from Microsoft
> (I received this news from the USA via my brother-in law, so I thought you
> ought to know.
> Brian.