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Re: amps

Subject: Re: amps
From: John Wigney <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 12:39:16
Hi Troy,

Do you have a copy of Bob Nuckolls' 'The Aeroelectric Connection" ? If not, I 
highly recommend it. It goes over aircraft electrics philosophy very thoroughly
and gives all the steps for wire sizing and good practise. It also confirms 
steps as (i) size wire based on user amps, acceptable voltage drop and  wire
length (there and back for composite planes) and (ii) size breaker or fuse based
on wire size. Copies are available at

Cheers, John

A099, N262WF

<<< wrote:

> Hi All,
> At risk of exposure of my lack of electical engineering ability, I am posting
> the planned circuit protection device ratings I am planning to use. >>>

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