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RE: Aileron Length

Subject: RE: Aileron Length
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 10:36:46
>  After lining every thing up as good as possible
>make judgement call as to which side to trim to give you the smallest gap
>either at the wing tip or the flap interface. Just sand off a little at a
>time as its alot easer than going back and having to add on. You may
>want/have to take a little off each end to get the nicest fit. Remember
>this is a custom job, fit. . . sand . . . fit . . etc.

> > Are we supposed to cut off some of the aileron or how do we
>make   them fit in the openings?  We're rather do surgery to the tip end 
>as the
>root  close outs and their bolts are completed.

Don't forget also, that the flap moves outboard as it is raised due to the 
geometry of the dihedral. The clearance between flap tip and aileron root 
needs to be checked with the plane rigged and the gear up.


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