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Re: Future upgrades question

Subject: Re: Future upgrades question
From: Terry Seaver <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 12:24:55
Andrew Sarangan wrote:

> Hi,
> I just started work on the XS kit, and I would appreciate answers to a few
> questions. My plan is to install very minimal stuff in the Europa - just the
> basic VFR instruments and no gyros. I am also thinking of not installing
> wingtip or landing lights. However, I want to leave all these as future
> upgrades. Is that possible? For example, can I pull the entire instrument
> panel out and install a brand new one? Is that possible once the cockpit
> module and the fuselage are bonded? Also, what measures can I take now, so
> that in the future I can install wingtip lights, strobes, landing lights and
> an angle of attack indicator? Some people recommended that I install a conduit
> through the wing so that I can run wires or plumbing at a later date. Are
> there any other techniques?
> On a related note, can I legally replace an airspeed indicator with an angle
> of attack indicator?
> Europa #A178

Hi Andrew,

I strongly recommend running some type
of conduit through the wings, not only for
tip lights/strobes, but for the pitot/static
lines. The manual has you run the pitot/static
lines through the wing ribs with grommets
at the ribs. This would make it verrrry difficult
to replace these clear plastic lines at a later
date. I used 1/2 inch plastic pipe (the thin
walled black stuff used for drip sprinkler
systems) for conduit to each wing tip as well
as the pitot/static area (both sides), allowing
for installation of an AOA head on the starboard
outrigger brackets at a later date.

The instrument panel will have to be installed
so that it can be removed at a later date for
maintainance, debugging, etc. I used aluminum
sub-panels for the instrumets that could be replaced
with others at some later date.

Terry Seaver
Pleasanton, CA

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