So let me understand here. Parking the plane compresses the damper, which
retains its compressed shape for any length flight. Hence, the
undercarriage is undamped for the first 3/8" of wheel travel.
Don't the shock absorbers in the later undercarriages (XS and others)
contribute some shock absorption? Or do they operate in extension only?
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
Subject: u/c red block
> There is another feature of the mono undercarriage which is apparent only
> with the aircraft suspended. The damper block has enormous hysteresis
> hours of recovery time. Years ago Ron Swinden supplied me with a
> curve when I had illusions of using it's Hook's "constant" for
auto-loading -
> (you can't, it isn't !)
> This means that unless you park your aircraft with the weight off the
> !, the "pre-compression" you put in during construction is just not there
> the bolts go slack. So there is shock to the system, as about 3/8" slack
> taken up on first arrival. Another bit of precious prop. to ground
> lost.
> Perhaps later blocks are different, but many must be flying like mine.
> Graham C G-EMIN