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Subject: MEMS
From: hedley brown <>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 16:03:43

I quote New Scientist: tiny chip-sized micro-electromechanical systems
include gyroscopes, tilt sensors and accellerometers which can be bought
off the shelf and plugged in , made in a similar way to silicon chips so
they're cheap. Now why do I have to have a bloody great suction pump and
a tonnage of whirling dervishes in my dashboard just to get the same
information?  I could now surely put my flight simulator software to
good use and have an image on my palm-top in the cockpit just like the
one on my play-screen, which , with input from the Garmin, is
topographically correct and visually corresponds to the attitude, speed,
etc of the aircraft. All for a few bob. What's wrong with the world -
the technology exists and is cheap and we haven't got it. Woe!.....h

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