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Re: PFA Rally Cranfield 2001

Subject: Re: PFA Rally Cranfield 2001
From: Carl Pattinson <>
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 10:45:24
It would not surprise me if the PFA Rally were to be cancelled this year but
for the time being there seems to be no message to this effect on the PFA
website. It would seem that the Rally is still planned to take place (6th -
8th July 2001)

Can anyone confirm or deny this rumour.

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Cliff" <>
Subject: PFA Rally Cranfield 2001

> Forwarded from the bounce in. Message is from
> Dave Bosomworth
> *************************************************
> Please all check the PFA website:
>    and click on the RALLY link
>  The PFA have decided to cancel this years Rally due to the infection
risks with Foot and Mouth.
> Please pass this on to any non-internet enabled pilots/builders who were
planning on attending.
> Sorry ferg......
> dave

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