To Bill and Terry (and anyone else it may concern)
I am building a trigear (if it makes any difference) and I have installed
the nylaflow tubing from behind the front blocks to in front of the pulleys
but mine are free of any pinch points except the mudguard that was installed
as part of the factory newsletter Issue 24.
I spoke to Neville about this and also looked at one of the factory machines
when I collected my engine and the cables run through the mudguard where a
slot has been cut to take the up and down arc of the cable. Having said that
you then have to seal the holes with sillicone to prevent gases permeating
---From the engine.
Confused ........ I still am but the point of previous discussions seems to
1) to avoid the cables going through too sharp an angle
2) using Nylaflow or similar keeps the cables clean and avoid the cable
rubbing on any sharp! objects
3) to avoid the cables from snagging on the undercarriage, whether mono or
They say that a picture tells a thousand words. If you want to go offline I
could fax a diagram of what I have done (I don't think a digital picture
will clearly show it, but I could try.)
Steve Pitt #403
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill McClellan" <>
Subject: Re: rudder cables again
> Paul,
> I have the same question. I put the cables in a month ago but didn't
> install the slotted tufnol block or put the turn buckles on the aft end
> of the cables yet as I want the landing gear parts in place to insure
> full clearance. FYI, the 1/4" Nylo-seal tubing is thicker walled so not
> such a sloppy fit around the cable (with no binding) as with the 1/4"
> nyloflow. Since the Nyloflow tubing is thinner walled, the 3/16"
> Nyloflow tubing would work just fine if Nyloflow is your choice. At
> this point I think I will use the Nylo-seal 1/4" tubing, less possible
> deformation in the p-clamp. Nylo-seal cost about twice as much but not
> that much money with this little amount of tubing. I plan to use the
> padded P-clamps as Terry Seaver suggested in his posting. I also may
> use the tubing aft of the change of direction pulleys to the rear,
> clamping it under the baggage compartment and at the mass balance arm
> capturing bulkhead. I have installed G.Singletons mod that converts the
> cable rudder actuation to push rod actuation to get less rudder hinge
> wear and more positive positioning. If you get any additional ideas
> sent directly to you and not on the avnet, would you forward them to me.
> Thanks,
> Bill McClellan
> A164